Well it’s Easter week and I’m sure that some of you may be either purchasing Lily’s or someone may give you one. So, what will you do with it after you enjoy it indoors? Some of you may plant them outside. And then some of us may throw them in the trash, cause we just don’t know what to do with it. Well, I thought I’d give you some tips and information about the Easter Lily that you may not know. If you show someone a white lily they automatically think of it as a symbol for Easter. It isn’t uncommon that plants become associated with holiday’s - Poinsettias at Christmas and clover at St. Patricks Day. And there is always an interesting history behind the symbolism as well. The Easter Lily is no exception. Easter Lilies are a symbol of Love. Before Jesus was arrested in the Garden of Gethsemane, he prayed to the Father to prepare him for the crucifixion. The Bible states that Jesus sweat great drops of blood while praying. Legend states that white lilies grew fro these drops of blood. Therefore, the Easter Lily is a symbol of beauty and victory that emerged from what appeared to be betrayal and defeat. Each aspect of the plant has symbolism in the Easter story. For instance, the white petals represent the purity and right standing Christians have with God. Jesus’ death on the cross provides a Christian a path for complete forgiveness for sins. Trumpet-shaped flowers joyfully and boldly announce the Easter resurrection message - He has risen! Each flower’s sweet fragrance is a reminder of paradise that awaits Christians. It is no wonder that Christians decorate their homes and churches in celebration of this glorious day. So, taking care of that Easter Lily is no so bad. They will survive winters in zones 5 and higher and that includes us in the southern parts of the U.S. Easter Lilies are perennials, meaning that’s they will bloom every year. Although grown in a greenhouse to bloom in time for Easter, the normal bloom time for an Easter lily is mid-summer. Wait until the chance of frost has passed before planting outside. Until then, place the plant near a window or other light source and keep the soil moist, but not water-logged. Sometime Easter lilies have a decorative pot cover that will hold extra water. For best results, be sure the plant isn’t sitting in this water. So, to plant the lily, choose a location that has part to full sun and well-drained soil. However, not necessary, it is always recommended to add peat moss, compost or other organic amendments to the soil as this will improve drainage. Easter Lilies can grow to 3-4’ tall, so they can be placed behind lower growing plants. Easter lilies are pretty easy to maintain in the garden. Simply water in periods of drought and remove faded blooms. You can add a light application of an all-purpose fertilizer each spring. In the late summer and early fall, allow the foliage to die back naturally. This will allow energy to return to the bulb so it can be enjoyed for years to come. So, when you receive your lily this Easter or maybe just want to purchase one to try in the garden, go for it. This will make a beautiful addition to your flower garden. Until next time life your life in bloom.
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